domestic garage
door seals

Domestic garage door seals

When it comes to garages, most of us no longer store our vehicle in the garage, the purposes which it was designed for, but use the garage as additional storage space to store our belongings that we have collected over the years. Common items people store in their garages include:

  • Tools and hardware
  • Lawn and garden equipment
  • Sports equipment
  • Seasonal decorations
  • Extra household items
  • Children’s toys
  • Food Store, bird food, dog food, pet food

Keep out pests with domestic garage door seals

There are certain aspects of a garage that make it the perfect place for pests to enter and hide out. As a place of shelter, garages can often be seen as a hiding place for pests to hide out if the weather gets unpleasant outside. Hot weather can also cause pests to enter garages to escape the hot weather and for shade and cool offered by a garage. Garage pests can cause a large amount of damage to any belongings that are stored in your garage.  Rats and mice in your garage can chew through your belongings as well as carry fleas, mites and other unpleasant additions into your home.  Bugs entering your garage from gaps around your garage door can destroy food, paper, material and other items you use your garage to store and can be a problem to get rid of.

View our range of domestic door seals and garage door seals for your home!

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Our friendly and efficient service plus attention to customer requirements has resulted in Formseal becoming market leader in the supply of brush strip seals, brush seals and ancillary products.